I don’t know how to start. I don’t know what to say. My heart is overwhelming with all the good memories you’ve brought into my life. My mind is overflowing with all the lessons that you taught me. But I guess I need to organize my thoughts and start writing down what I want to tell you guys.
I’m writing to you guys because I’m leaving already. I’m leaving not because I don’t want to be with you anymore but because I’m going back to Manila to work on my desired career. Honestly, I don’t want to leave. I hate counting the days and realizing that I only have a week to stay here. I’m really hoping that time would freeze or rewind itself. But that’s too far from reality. I guess this is the price that we have to pay as we get older.
It has been a splendid year for this group. In my how many years of serving the Lord I can’t remember an instance that the youth ministry was sustained this long. This is the first time that it survived for one whole year and I’m really happy about it. Besides my family and friends, youth are the next people closest to my heart. Not because I used to be one of you guys but because I feel grateful having to share all life’s lessons to me. I love it when you share your problems with me and I get to help you with all the advices I can give. I’m so honored everytime you thank me and tell me that I was a great help for your concerns. I’m very well pleased everytime I see all of you smiling. Just simply happy. You just don’t know how joyful I am when I’m with you guys and everytime we’re complete.
Taking care all of you is not easy. Honestly, somehow, you guys are big pain in my ass. Most of you are super “kulet” especially when everybody is present. Sometimes my patience is about to snap but I always tell myself that it’s not everyday that we get to see each other especially now that several of our members are already in college. Sometimes I also get tired of reminding you not to do this and not to do that. I feel like you don’t listen to me but then again I realize that when I was at your age I acted the same way. That’s why no matter what you do guys, just like how your parents act, I will keep on bugging you until you learn what you have to learn. Sorry but I’m your ate and I don’t want you to go the wrong direction. I don’t want you to follow the footsteps of those youth whose future are now as dark as hell because nobody guided them. I’m so attached to PYM that I only want what’s best for everyone.
Just a reminder by the way. For those members who are running for this year’s SK Election, please guys, no fighting. No personal attacks. If you’re gonna make your campaigns, speeches or whatever you need to do for your candidacy keep in mind, that you belong to one group. ALL OF US are sisters and brothers in CHRIST. And the bond that we have will not be ruined because of this election. WHOEVER will throw a personal attack on their opponent, I swear I will kick your ass out of this group. Do you get that people?

Okay. I’m lost with my thoughts again. I don’t know how to end this letter. But I guess I’ll just end it by thanking each of you for keeping this organization alive. Thank you for going an extra mile just to serve not just PYM but Him as well. Thank you for entrusting your life to PYM and to us. Thank you for a one whole year of execeptional memories. As I journey without you guys beside me, I will treasure these things in my heart. And I will forever be grateful for having to meet all of you. Always keep in mind as well, all the things that we taught you. And if you need someone to lean on for your problems and someone to share your happiness, you know where and how to find me. ALL OF YOU are such wonderful creations of GOD. I love you all.
Please don’t give Kuya Bonn, Ate M.M, Ate Grace Ate Lala Ate Lota and Ate Shalani headaches this coming YBD ha? Behave. Be good. Okay?
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